Bresky Law Is Ready to Handle Appeals of Issues under the New Electronic Discovery Rules July 22, 2012
Bresky Law Obtains Reversal of Order Denying Wife’s Attorney’s Fees and Attributing Wife Depleted Marital Assets June 29, 2012
Bresky Law Obtains Ruling Dispensing With Evidentiary Hearing And Awarding Client $660,611 Cash Distribution Following Appellate Win June 22, 2012
Bresky Law Successfully Defends Appellate Win In Favor Of Former Wife Against Motion For Rehearing June 7, 2012
Bresky Law Obtains Ruling Dispensing With Evidentiary Hearing Upon Remand Following Appellate Win June 1, 2012
Law Office of Robin Bresky Obtains Reversal Where The Trial Court Excluded Stocks As Marital Income, Failed To Identify Marital Property In Jamaica, and Abused Its Discretion In The Parenting Plan April 18, 2012
Bresky Law Obtains Reversal of Child Support Order to Award Mother Her Child’s Uncovered Medical Expenses April 18, 2012
Bresky Law Obtains Reversal of Fee Award Against Former Wife Awarded Based on Rejection of a Settlement Offer April 18, 2012